Tumouhi aims to provide a seamless experience for SMEs, offering a comprehensive ecosystem that includes financial services, telco solutions, legal assistance, delivery/courier services, accounting solutions, and cybersecurity measures. 

Alongside these benefits, Tumouhi offers valuable workshops covering Entrepreneurship Training, Financial Literacy, Governance and Compliance, Sustaining Business During Difficult Times, and Business Communication. 

Join us in fostering SME growth and success with Tumouhi – your pathway to a thriving business future.

The banking benefits of Tumouhi include:

  • Waived fees for online banking
  • Free business cheque book
  • Complimentary Advantage Debit Card
  • 20% discount on bank’s tariff of charges
  • Competitive interest rates on automotive loans
  • Competitive rates on POS machines
  • Employee loans with immediate enterprise registration

Oman Arab Bank has also secured strategic partnerships with a number of leading vendors, availing discounts of up to 50% on products and services from:

Partners Offer
Asia Solutions 12% Discount on Tally Silver International License & Free Introductory Training, Free Customized Files (Owners Dash board, Auto Backup, System date as current date) and Basic Assistance.
OSOS 50% discount on OSOS – Small Business Package (SBP) for Oman Arab Bank Eligible Customer as detailed in Schedule 2 below. 

Osos SBP (10 users, 200GB email, 1TB file storage) at 0.600 Bisa user/month

– Osos Mail (Hosted email)
– Calendar
– TeamChat
– Conferencing
– Unlimited HD Recording
– Documents & Collaborative editing
– Security
– Mobile Sync

Crowe Mak Ghazali Free consultation meeting with a 10% discount on the professional services for Oman Arab Bank

The above fee is exclusive of VAT and a VAT at standard rate will be charged by the Service Provider.

The Offer is valid at the following locations of the Service Provider in the Sultanate of Oman for the following product and service types:

  • Statutory Audit for the year.
  • Income Tax return filing for the year
  • VAT filing for the year
  • Accounting supervision services
  • Risk advisory services
  • Feasibility studies and Due diligence
  • Corporate Finance Advisory
  • Forensic services
Hamdan Al-Sadi Advocate & Legal Consultant 40% discount on whose prices are not specified below

  1. Providing legal consultation on an hourly basis, provided that the office fees for each hour or part of an hour are an amount of (30 OMR) thirty Omani riyals only.
  2. Organizing all contracts for an amount of (200 OMR) two hundred Omani riyals for contracts under (20,000 OMR) twenty thousand Omani riyals, and an amount of (400 OMR) four hundred Omani riyals for contracts more than that.
  3. The office has the right to increase the fees in the event that the contract is of a special nature and large sums based on the nature of the work.
  4. The office shall offer a (40%) discount on the value of its fees for the rest of the other works mentioned in the third clause of this contract

The moving allowance inside Muscat governorate is included in the offer above, the rest of the governorates to be charged as the following:

  • Batinah governorate, alddakhilia, alshsharqi, alzzahira should pay 50 riyal for each trip.
  • Alwustaa governorate to be charged 70 riyals for each trip.
  • Salalah governorate and Musandam to be charged 200 riyals for each trip.


The offer above does not include the cases fee or translation fee or the expert’s fee or bail or any other expenses.

liva insurance • 7.5% on Retail policies (Motor, Home, PA, Travel) for the owners of the SME
• 12.5% on Corporate Liability policies for the SME
• 5% on Medical policies for the SME

  • • Personal Insurance discounts will only be eligible for owners of the SME registered under Tumohi.  Ownership of the SME will be established as per the Commercial Registration
Tatweer Cyber Security 20% Discount on cyber security services, email domain security, and security awareness training.
Dalili 20% Discount on any shipment in Oman
Global College of Engineering and Technology 25% Discount on Undergraduate Degree program and 15% discount for Postgraduate Degree program for owners of SMEs
Rajab Al Kathiri & Partners Law Firm LEGAL SERVICES

• To provide legal consultancy and legal services for companies in Oman
• To advise and carry out the legal framework  for Company’s formation in Oman  (the preparation of Constitutive contracts, memorandums of association and shareholders agreement)
• To advise and  carry out the legal framework  for Conversion of the legal form of companies
• To advise and carry out the legal framework  for merger of commercial companies
• To advise and carry out the legal framework  for transfer of shares in companies
• To advise and carry out the legal framework  for Liquidation and dissolution of companies
• Rendering opinion and drafting of local and international contracts
• To act as a arbitrators – arbitration lawyer in commercial arbitration
• Registration of Trademarks and industrial drawings Services  in Oman , GCC countries, India, UK  and USA
• To provide Litigation services  in civil, commercial, criminal, labour, insurance, rentals, misdemeanours and felonies
• Shall   provide assistance  in GCC countries through our associates

 Shall participate in the workshop to enlighten the clients about the current laws in Oman


Ready to provide general advise to the clients    and the  clients shall meet us with free of cost  for the general advise

OMAN ACADEMY FOR SMEs Discount amount equal 50 % on nurturing services and (20%) on events and conferences and training program with invitation to in-country value (ICV) events for Oman Arab Bank.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global 20% discount of professional services of the group
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh and Co.-Certified Accountant 16%, Coordination and advice for setting up bespoke accounting systems, Bookkeeping and annual accounts preparation, Periodic management accounts and reports.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh IT and Telecommunication Consulting L.L.C 16%, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Information Technology International (TAGITI) is a consulting firm specialized in providing IT Audit, ERP services, ICT Consulting, Business solutions and Website services to the International Business Community.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh &Co. Consulting-Management, Economic &Financial 16%, Consulting-Management, Economic & Financial
ARAB OMANI TRAINING INSTITUTE 16%, We offer a professional training programs including, Engineering, Computer
Science, Logistics, HSE, Business, Human Recourses and more. Whether you’re, looking to change your career, or wanting to upgrade your skill set, our programs are designed to cater to your unique needs and aspirations.
Tatweer Cyber Security LLC 20% discount on Cyber Security Services for Oman Arab Bank Eligible Customer as detailed in Schedule 2 below.
Rajab Al Kathairi & partners law firm 25% discount on LEGAL SERVICE for Oman Arab Bank Eligible Customer as detailed in Schedule 2 below.
Hamdan Al Sadi advocate & legal consultant 40% discount on whose price are not specified below for Oman Arab bank Elite customer as detailed in the schedule 2 below
1 -Providing legal consultation on an hourly basis, provided that the office fees for each hour or part of an hour are an amount of (30 OMR) thirty Omani riyals only.
2 -Organizing all contracts for an amount of (200 OMR) two hundred Omani riyals for contracts under (20,000 OMR) twenty thousand Omani riyals, and an amount of (400 OMR) four hundred Omani riyals for contracts more than that.
3 -The office has the right to increase the fees in the event that the contract is of a special nature and large sums based on the nature of the work.
4- The office shall offer a (40%) discount on the value of its fees for the rest of the other works mentioned in the third clause of this contract
The moving allowance inside Muscat governorate is included in the offer above, the rest of the governorates to be charged as the following:
Batinah governorate, alddakhilia, alshsharqi, alzzahira should pay 50 riyals for each trip.
Alwustaa governorate to be charged 70 riyals for each trip.
Salalah governorate and Musandam to be charged 200 riyals for each trip. Notice:
The offer above does not include the cases fee or translation fee or the expertl s fee or bail or any other expenses
OMAN ACADEMY FOR SMEs Discount amount equal 50 % on nurturing services and (20%) on events and conferences and training program with invitation to icv events for Oman Arab Bank Eligible Customer as detailed in Schedule 2 below.