Business Continuity Management

OAB is committed to safeguard the interests of its customers, employees and stakeholders in the event of a natural disaster or if there is any major disruption that may affect the Bank’s business operations. 

Therefore, the Bank has established a Business Continuity Plan for its Banking Operations and Technology related procedures. 

The plan is designed to facilitate the continuity of critical business processes in the event of any disruptions in line with the guidelines issued by the Central Bank of Oman.

Reaching out to us during any disaster:

You can get in touch with us anytime by calling our FIL Khidma call center on 24754444

However, in the event of any disaster, if you are unable to reach us via the call centre and to report any major incidents, please contact:

Ahmed Khalfan Al Hasani –   Head of Business Continuity Management

Office: 24754531

GSM: 99061800